About Coderspree3.0

One-month Coding sprint to summon all the wizards of problem-solving, ranging from beginner to advanced! ✨ Get ready to be a part of the most auspicious society of the college, *Innogeeks*. Exclusive access to buzzing discord server of Innogeeks which is full of knowledge and innovation. 🚀 Become a part of mentoring sessions by our amazing team of coderspree mentors, not just that - be ready to outshine on the leaderboard and get a chance to win exclusive coderspree goodies! 🍫 This edition of coderspree is limited to students of KIET, we'll be expanding it next time : )



For second year

Week 1

User Input/Output: View Problem

Data Types: View Problem

IF -Else: View Problem

For Loop: View Problem

While loop: View Problem

Pattern 1: View Problem

Pattern 2: View Problem

Pattern 3: View Problem

Pattern 4: View Problem

Pattern 5: View Problem

Pattern 6: View Problem

Pattern 7: View Problem

Pattern 8: View Problem

Pattern 9: View Problem

Pattern 10: View Problem

Week 2

Count Digits: View Problem

Reverse a Number: View Problem

Check Palindrome: View Problem

Armstrong: View Problem

Check Prime: View Problem

Print Number 1 to N using Recursion: View Problem

Factorial of N numbers: View Problem

Fibbonacci : View Problem

Pow(x,n): View Problem

Generate Parenthesis: View Problem

Week 3

Linear search: View Problem

Binary Search: View Problem

Insertion Sort: View Problem

Bubble Sort: View Problem

Selection Sort: View Problem

Merge Sort: View Problem

Sorting the Sentence: View Problem

Sorting Three Groups: View Problem

Minimum and Maximum: View Problem

Move all negative element at end: View Problem

Merge two sorted arrays without using Extra space: View Problem

Week 4

Encoding Message: View Problem

Remove Duplicates in Array: View Problem

Left rotate an array by one: View Problem

Maximum Consecutive Ones: View Problem

Minimum Parenthesis: View Problem

First Missing Positive: View Problem

Second Largest Element: View Problem

Reverse String Wordwise: View Problem

Reverse an Array/String: View Problem

For Third and Forth year

Week 1

Set Matrix Zero: View Problem

Pascal's Triangle: View Problem

Search a 2D Matrix: View Problem

Maximum Subarray: View Problem

Best Time To Buy and Sell Stock: View Problem

Rotate Image: View Problem

Two Sum: View Problem

Search in Rotated Subarray: View Problem

Stock Buy and Cell: View Problem

Next Permutation: View Problem

Spiral Matrix: View Problem

Merge Sorted Array: View Problem

Subarray sum: View Problem

Sort colors: View Problem

Find First and Last position of element: View Problem

Week 2

Subset Sums : View Problem

Combination Sum - 1 : View Problem

Palindrome Partitioning: View Problem

Find First and Last position of element: View Problem

Combination Sum - 2: View Problem

Subsets - 2 : View Problem

N-Queens Problem: View Problem

Rotate a linked list: View Problem

Longest Consecutive Sequence: View Problem

Check if the linked list is palindrome or Not: View Problem

Week 3

Stack Implementation Using Array: View Problem

Valid Parantheses: View Problem

Largest Rectangle in Histogram: View Problem

Rotten Oranges: View Problem

Count and Say: View Problem

Find the Index of the First Occurence in a String: View Problem

Subsets: View Problem

Minimum bit flips to convert number: View Problem

Divide Two Integers: View Problem

Power of two: View Problem

Week 4

Binary Tree Inorder Traversal: View Problem

All root to leaf paths in Binary Tree: View Problem

Floors in BST: View Problem

Clone Graph: View Problem

Topological Sort: View Problem

Minimum Spanning Tree: View Problem

Is Bipartite Graph: View Problem

Maximum Product Subarray: View Problem

Number of Ways to arrive a destination: View Problem

Cheapest flights with k stops: View Problem


Registration start

October 04th 2023

Registration ends

October 06th 2023

Introductory Github Session

October 05th 2023

Event Starts

October 05th 2023

Events Ends

November 20th 2023

Closing Ceremony

November 20th 2023